Computer Center of Palacký University Olomouc (CC) is a Palacký University workplace, with reference to §22 paragraph, section 1 of the Act no. 111/1998 coll., on universities, and the amendments and modifications of other acts (the Universities Act), as amended, and according to § 36 paragraph, section 3 a) of the Palacký University in Olomouc statute.
The main operation of the Computer Center is the provision of services related to the acquiring, processing and providing information especially using computer and communication technology in order to meet the needs of every part of Palacký University and even UP as a whole (hereinafter “users”) in the economic, operation, pedagogic, research and development, and study areas. Computer Center is responsible for implementation of modern technologies and its technical support, ensures concept, development and service of university information system (hereinafter “IS UP”), metropolitan area UP network and other university activities in the field of information and communication technologies in the aforementioned scope of activities.
Computer Center performs the aforementioned activities within its position and power independently or in connection to analysis of user needs and in cooperation with them.